
Challenging Summer 2024

A mild winter, a warm start to spring with 30-degree weather in early April, followed by frosty nights three weeks later, and months of heavy rain—the first half of the 2024 wine year has been extremely challenging. With double the usual rainfall, in June we have already reached an annual total of over 700 mm. The organic management of our vineyards has been very labor-intensive, but our efforts have paid off: the vines are in excellent health. A heartfelt thank you to our dedicated team , as we wouldn’t be where we are today without their hard work.

Organic viticulture and the CimaHouse Wine sustainability seal are very important to us. As pioneers in this field, we are pleased to announce that we have further intensified our efforts. During the cellar expansion, we increased the capacity of our photovoltaic system from 20 kW to 60 kW. Additionally, a new solar system contributes to even more sustainable energy production.

A highlight of the first half of the year was the "Night of the Cellars," held on June 8th. With over 700 guests, our expectations were far exceeded, setting a new attendance record! Wine lovers from around the world took the opportunity to enjoy tastings, cellar tours, and delicious summer dishes, while relaxing to live music. A big thank you to everyone who joined us for this unforgettable evening. We look forward to the next edition in three years!

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