
Our Team

Today, we're taking a look behind the wine label to introduce you to our team—because our team members are just as unique as our wines.

Samuel: At 29, Samuel is one of our most experienced workers. This year, he celebrates his 8th anniversary with the winery. His rapid growth has mirrored that of our steep vineyards, making the work in the vineyards much smoother thanks to his passion and expertise.

Roman: A long-standing family friend and all-rounder, Roman is indispensable. If there’s a technical issue, the father of three is on it immediately. When not repairing something, he’s often found among the vines and knee-high grass.

Ludwig: Our charming Austrian colleague will unfortunately be with us only until winter, as he returns to his home country to work in 5-star hotels. However, Ludwig has proven his skill both behind the bar and in our vineyards. During this year's "Night of the Cellars," he set a record for the fastest and most precise wine pourer.

Christof: The youngest and most musically talented team member, 21-year-old Christof from Aldino, may appear youthful, but his mechanical and manual skills are impressive. After just one year, he’s already a pillar of our winery.

Peter: Working for 40 years and then going into well-earned retirement - that was out of the question for Peter! Born in Trodena, he helped at the winery for the first time during the 2021 harvest and has been working in our vineyards several times a week ever since. No force of nature is a match for the father of two - whether it's scorching heat, strong winds or slippery slopes, Peter always gives 100 percent, and we are infinitely grateful to him for that.

Dumitru: As we all know, wine gets better with age - the same applies to Dumitru, or as most of our team call him: "Miti". Dedication, perseverance and a good dose of friendliness characterise the wine-loving Romanian. "Miti" has been with us since 2003, and the fact that he is still doing the manual work in our vineyards today is testament to his genuine passion and dedication to the profession.

Delia: "Miti's" better half has been part of the team since 2021, and the grape shears are already sweating at the thought of falling into Delia's hands again—because with her cutting speed, you could almost think that we have a long-standing hairdresser in the team. But Delia is also very fast when it comes to other work outside the grape harvest and is always fully committed to her work.

Armin: The 24-year-old has only been part of the team since May 2024. He used to make headlines as a journalist, but now he mainly does this in our wine shop. In April, "Pichlerinho" had his baptism of fire when he travelled to Verona for four days to attend Vinitaly - the largest wine fair in the world. There, the visitors gave him a very intensive and instructive time, which made it easier for him to get started. At the winery, Armin is mainly responsible for our shop, winery tours and tastings.

Merita: The word chaos does not exist in Merita's vocabulary, because cleanliness and tidiness are at the top of her list. We have her to thank for the fact that all our visitors can marvel at our premises in high gloss. When it comes to the little ones, the 34-year-old Albanian also has a skillful hand and a very big heart, as she has been seen lovingly cuddling them from time to time.

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